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From the September 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Time—ever elusive, always nipping at our heels—can sometimes feel like an arrow shot from the moment we appear on earth, carrying us straight through our lives, continually diminishing our energy and opportunities as it seeks its vanishing point somewhere on the horizon called old age. Let's defy that scenario. Let's see ourselves instead as our Maker created us: energized, vivid, reflecting all the timeless, inexhaustible qualities of Soul.—MJ

Time moves across the landscape of Betty Jenks's Christian Science healing practice in Boston, Massachusetts. The phone rings as she takes calls from various time zones around the world. Some call from places where it's still yesterday, others call today—still others from tomorrow.

What is this illusive concept commonly perceived as "from here to there?" Recently the Journal presented Betty Jenks with some popular ideas about the passing of hours, days, and years.

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