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Testimonies of Healing


From the September 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal

One Time while studying Jesus' words "I am the light of the world" (John 8:12), I experienced such spiritual illumination that I felt I glimpsed how Jesus could heal ten lepers at once (see Luke 17:12-19). This flash of spiritual insight showed me something of our spiritual reality and how we can heal and be healed quickly through Christian Science treatment.

Several years ago I had an infected tooth extracted. After the surgery, the doctor told me that he was concerned because the infection had spread. He gave me antibiotics, which I chose not to take. The next day I felt very ill from the infection in my mouth and spoke to a Christian Science friend about this condition. She said she was leaving for Florida that evening on a midnight flight and would pray for me then. When I woke the next morning, the condition was completely healed and has never returned. Although I don't know the exact details of her Christianly Scientific prayer for me, I'm convinced that her spiritual understanding and Christian Science treatment for me is what brought my quick healing.

The Apostle Paul stated that he took pleasure in infirmities, because they gave him cause to reach out to God for help (see II Cor. 12:10). I am grateful that I, too, can reach out to God for help in any circumstance and find such immediate healing. Each healing I have experienced over the years through my study and practice of Christian Science has helped me build a strong foundation that I know will always be there to support me when any challenge arises.

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