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From the April 2008 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Please Note, Our Address is changing effective May 1, 2008, when our offices move to the Christian Science Publishing House building at 210 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, MA 02115. This is actually a "homecoming" for us—a return to the beautiful Christian Science Publishing House following its recent renovation.

With the upcoming relocation of some employees into the Publishing House, the time is right for a change of address for the building. The portion of Norway Street that ran in front of the Publishing House was closed nearly 40 years ago as part of the construction of the Christian Science Plaza and is no longer found on Internet mapping systems and most printed maps. The new address of 210 Massachusetts Avenue will be less confusing and provide a more accurate location for delivery services, taxis, and other companies needing to locate departments and individuals in the Publishing House.

Please use our new address if you are:

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