Years ago, a woman called me in tears. She said she was facing "severe challenges." She had gone to a Christian Science lecture I'd given, during which I'd stressed that God loves us unconditionally. But when she called me, she felt confused, shaken, and overwhelmed with fear. In her anguish, she asked, "Is God testing me?" I assured her that God was not testing her, because He loved her. And that she could rely on divine Love to solve her problems.
DIVINE LOVE does not have to test us to see if we pass divine standards or not.
As we talked, she calmed down and began to see that the trials she faced were not a heavenly examination to try her faith, but actually opportunities to prove that God's love for her was active in her life. She called me again later to thank me for helping her find peace of mind and to say that she'd lost the fear of being tested by a judgmental power from above.