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Lives inspired by Mary Baker Eddy's example

In the 1920s my grandmother...

From the August 2011 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the 1920s my grandmother was given a book that was to change her life. She had lost her husband in the Great War, and she had two children to bring up on her own with very little money. Those were extremely hard times and often she didn’t know how she would make ends meet. The headmistress of my mother’s school was touched by my grandmother’s plight and knew that Mary Baker Eddy’s teachings, explained in Science and Health, could change her life for the better. And so they did—so much so that my grandmother was even able to help others, sometimes dramatically, with the ideas she shared from that book. Tried and tested in our family now for nearly 100 years, the ideas in this book have helped each generation in every possible circumstance. Sickness, sometimes severe, has been healed, fear removed, broken relationships mended. It has provided consolation, encouragement, inspiration, direction. Way ahead of its time, Science and Health has made the timeless teachings of the Bible become vital and relevant and oh so practical to my family in the twenty-first century. 

I literally owe my life to the scientific Christianity Mary Baker Eddy discovered in the pages of her Bible and dedicated her life to sharing. When I was a baby, I survived what seemed to be life-threatening suffocation after I had stopped breathing and lost the color in my face. I was revived through Christian Science treatment—that is, prayer based on “an absolute faith that all things are possible to God,—a spiritual understanding of Him, an unselfed love” (Science and Health, p. 1). She is one of the world’s greatest benefactors. 

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