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Testimonies of Healing

A runner's healing

From the February 2012 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I really love running, and it had been a week since my last distance run. As I started to prepare for my run, a thought came to me to stay home and study Christian Science. Since I knew this was the only time I would have for an extended run in the next few days, I decided to run, and study later that day.

The run was going great until the last few miles. I started to feel very sick and did not know if I was going to be able to make it home. I have overcome many challenges during the last few years in regards to running. From my study of Christian Science I’ve come to understand that the true source of my life is in God, Spirit, rather than in a material body. 

When I look at material conditions, I find—as Mary Baker Eddy puts it—that “mortal existence is an enigma.” On the same page in her book Science and Health, she writes, “The divine Mind maintains all identities, from a blade of grass to a star, as distinct and eternal” (p. 70). These statements supported my conviction that God was present, guiding and protecting me.

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