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Waiting for the light (a photographer’s prayer)

From the September 2015 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Waiting for the light

Equipped with the camera of divine Mind,
using the close-up lens of Science,
I zoom in to focus on Truth.
I magnify good. 

From here to infinity,
no goodness out of range,
no foggy film of matter’s lies—
no grainy Truth obscures the view. 

God points the way and aims me straight.
My resolution is to take (in) heavenly images:
pictures of God’s love; portraits of His perfect man;
scenes of Truth’s dawning—compositions grand. 

Just a pinhole of understanding lets in the light of Love.
More than a highlight, brighter than a spotlight—
Truth floods my thought—unshuttered.
Error is exposed; shadows flee. 

Not sitting in a darkroom,
but working in the lab of Life,
thought is stirred to realization—
error dissolved in chemicalization. 

Negative images can’t develop here,
or graven images be forever fixed.
I don’t process them—I stop them.
Love rinses them away. 

Then, Mind’s image is perfectly reflected;
fadeless, permanent,
unspotted and unretouched—
the positive image God sees.

—Linda Payne-Sylvester

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