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Spiritual Short

Rush hour or prayer hour?

From the February 2016 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Excerpted from a blog on To read the entire blog, visit

Do you, like me, drive to work on a congested freeway? Is “rush hour” merely a time for sitting in traffic? 

One morning, sitting in especially heavy traffic, I began to ponder how Christ Jesus was always praying. I’ve found this to be a seriously wonderful jumping-off point for my prayers. Many of the healings Jesus performed occurred as he prayed while he was moving along from place to place, even when he was thronged with crowds vying for his attention. 

I’ve seen that this hour or two (depending on the length of the commute) spent in prayer is a holy time, and that such prayer can bless other commuters, too. For instance, through prayer, I have been led to anticipate instances of unsignaled lane changes or of drivers taking turns from the wrong lane, and to safely maneuver my car accordingly—evidence of myself and others being protected, guided, and cared for by God.

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