One day when my girls were small, I woke with early symptoms of the flu. Those same symptoms had repeatedly led to the flu in my high school and college years. So I immediately called a Christian Science practitioner and told him I needed help to stop the flu. He told me he would take care of it.
Instead of expecting a healing result from his treatment, however, I sat down and waited for the flu. Several minutes later, when nothing spectacular happened, I mused that there was probably nothing there in the first place. That’s when the light bulb went on: The flu was truly nothing. It had no reality whatsoever because it was not made by God. God made all: “And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good,” the beginning of the Bible says (Genesis 1:31). If the flu was not good, that meant it was not of God’s creating and could have no effect on God’s children, which included me.
I also realized that just because most of the world believes something doesn’t mean it’s true. When nearly everybody believed that the earth was flat or that the sun went around the earth, that mere belief did not make it so.