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Testimonies of Healing

Healed after a fall

From the August 2018 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I am so deeply grateful for Christian Science, and the wonderfully powerful influence it has had in my life. In fact, God and Christian Science are what I treasure most. As I have learned more about God and the truth of being as stated in the Bible and in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, I have been able to better see and understand some of the spiritual laws found in both books. This has freed me from problems throughout my life, taking form in protection from harm and many wonderful healings. One such healing resulted from understanding one simple spiritual truth. 

Years ago, I took a friend’s young, untrained horse to a colt-starting class. I had done this quite a few times before with other horses but never with an oversized thoroughbred. On the last day of the clinic, something startled him. I wasn’t able to keep him from bucking, and I flew off his back, sky-high, and landed on my head. Although my pride was hurt, I felt OK at the time, enough to get back on and keep riding.

The next morning, I awoke to alarming symptoms in my head. I knew I would be unable to make the seven-hour trip home that day. Unable to free my thinking from the fear of these symptoms, I immediately called my Christian Science teacher for prayerful support. Christian Science teachers and practitioners are readily available with a clear understanding of God’s law, and their prayerful work not only brings healing, but helps the one calling to better understand Truth as well. 

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