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Spiritual Short

Recognize, Reject, and Delete

From the August 2018 issue of The Christian Science Journal

One day I received phone calls from an unknown number every single hour. When I checked the number, I learned that it was a scam call from outside the country for which I would automatically have been charged a high fee had I answered the phone. I had no problem quickly rejecting and deleting those calls.

Then I began to think about how I had been saved from much frustration simply by recognizing, rejecting, and deleting these unwanted calls. This made me think about how I could recognize, reject, and delete unwanted negative thoughts and emotions, such as hatred, malice, and revenge. 

To do this, we first need to guard our thoughts from taking in mental suggestions that would interrupt our natural state of God-given, God-reflecting peace, and then reject and “delete” those unwanted thoughts. As Mary Baker Eddy writes, “Evil thoughts, lusts, and malicious purposes cannot go forth, like wandering pollen, from one human mind to another, finding unsuspected lodgment, if virtue and truth build a strong defence” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, pp. 234–235). I’m so glad to have been alerted so clearly to this important lesson, which strengthens my practice of Christian Science healing.

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