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Life, love, and the lifting of grief

From the August 2018 issue of The Christian Science Journal

At times of tragedy, our hearts naturally reach out to embrace individuals who have lost loved ones. In our desire to help, we can earnestly turn to God in prayer, trusting that His love—infinitely larger than human affection—is present and has the power to lift our brothers and sisters out of grief and loss. I’ve felt this powerful, healing love in my own experience.

The Psalmist sang of the healing power of God, divine Love, to bring comfort, strength, respite, and yes, even joy to the whole human family: “Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness; to the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent” (Psalms 30:11, 12). Through heartfelt prayer, we can experience this transformation from darkness and heaviness into light and joy, even when the one who has gone on is a beloved family member or friend.

On the first Mother’s Day after my mom had passed, I stood before a display of Mother’s Day cards on the cusp of tears. However, turning my mental gaze heavenward, I felt an imperative need to thank God right then and there for the incredible ways in which Mom expressed Him—for instance, in her kindness, love, and wisdom. Most importantly, I recognized that my mom’s uniquely precious spiritual qualities were still present and could never be taken away. As my heart began to fill with gratitude, I felt as if my mourning was indeed turned into “dancing” as God dressed me with joy. I went forward with a lighter heart.

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