Sometimes we hear people say, “When I get to heaven . . .” and then muse about all the good that will happen in God’s kingdom in the future, in some far-off location.
Surely, the kingdom of heaven is associated with inexhaustible good for all, everlasting health and happiness, and immortal being. There God governs with love, harmony, and holy purpose all that He made. No limits of time or space define the kingdom, just the presence of divine Mind and Mind’s ever-unfolding creation. In the kingdom of heaven all is spiritual, so there is no limited material substance liable to accident, pain, disease, impairment, sin, or death. Material laws, forces, beliefs, opinions, theories, and prognoses are nonexistent, because God’s law of unbroken harmony reigns forever.
But, is heaven a far-off place or event? Do we have to wait to experience this divine harmony? Christ Jesus had much to say about the kingdom of heaven, including, “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 4:17). So all the infinite goodness and harmony associated with the kingdom of heaven is already going on now, all around.