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Of Good Report

United in heaven and on earth

From the October 2020 issue of The Christian Science Journal

On a recent college study abroad trip, we visited Israel, Jordan, and the Palestinian territories. As part of our study, we were asked to consider the question: What makes the land holy? One of the destinations we visited was Mount Nebo, where Moses had gone after spending forty years leading the Israelites through the desert. He went to the top of Mount Nebo to get a glimpse of the Promised Land. 

As I stood on top of this mountain overlooking the Jordan Valley, a woman came up next to me. She wore a beautiful red dress that completely covered her, and a deep maroon hijab over her head. She began to ask me questions about where I was from and why I was at Mount Nebo with so many Americans.

After answering her questions, I felt inspired to ask her what she thought as she looked out at the view. After a brief moment of contemplation, the woman turned to me and said, “Heaven. You are a Christian, and I am a Muslim; but in heaven, God only sees one, and there is nothing that can divide us.” Her comment brought tears to my eyes. Then, one of her friends came and told the woman, “It is time to pray.” 

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