We are faced with moral choices every day. These decisions amount to choosing between right and wrong. Shall we act in moral or immoral ways? Shall we teach our children to be honest and kind, or let them do whatever they want? Shall we forgive or be vindictive? Shall we pay taxes or cheat?
The choice is not always easy, but it is necessary. Often it takes relentless moral courage to refuse to do the wrong and do the right. The way to right decisions is right desire. And right desire waits on spiritual-mindedness, for spiritual-mindedness fathers all right longings.
The daily choices call on us to be honest, unselfish, just, merciful, compassionate, and chaste. Any exercise of these strong moral qualities makes us better people. Moreover, morality ensures the progress of both individuals and their countries. A nation is only as great, as good, and as lasting as the goodness and the greatness its inhabitants embody.