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Testimonies of Healing

A clearer understanding of motherhood

From the October 2021 issue of The Christian Science Journal

After my husband and I had been married about three years, we decided we’d like to have children. Two miscarriages and many tears later, I felt discouraged. It was especially difficult, as it seemed all of our friends were having babies.

It was natural for me to turn to prayer, and in doing so I discovered I needed a better understanding of creation. My mother-in-law, a Christian Science practitioner, urged me to study an article entitled “Being is unfoldment,” in which the author states, “Unfoldment is divine Mind’s mode of expression. . . . It is the activity of Love making divine facts manifest in human affairs” (Mary Sands Lee, Journal, January 1941). As I turned wholeheartedly to my Father-Mother God in prayer, I began to grasp these facts: Each of God’s children is and ever has been eternally coexistent with his divine Parent; I am not a creator and never can be; the appearing of a child is simply the unfoldment of an idea that has existed in all eternity, that our Mother, Love, has always known and cherished.

I scoured the Bible and Mary Baker Eddy’s writings for references to children, motherhood, and birth. I found these statements in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures especially helpful: “. . . both man and woman proceed from God and are His eternal children, belonging to no lesser parent” (p. 529), and “Divine Science rolls back the clouds of error with the light of Truth, and lifts the curtain on man as never born and as never dying, but as coexistent with his creator” (p. 557). I was gaining a clearer sense of our pre-existence with and inseparability from our Maker.

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