As a means of self-improvement, I have been doing a refreshing exercise lately: Throughout my day, I am simply noting every single instance when I mistakenly think or say something that would suggest evil is a real and acting power. I was prompted to begin this exercise when I read of Christ Jesus’ response to Pilate after he declared that he had the power to bring about Jesus’ death. The Master said: “Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above” (John 19:11).
Why would Jesus say such a thing? Aren’t evil powers real? After all, we see apparent evidence of them in action every day. Was Jesus just timidly ignoring what exists and is dangerous?
We might consider that perhaps Jesus understood something about the universe that wasn’t so obvious to the person threatening him. Was Jesus aware of a presence—an all-presence—that actually and thoroughly precludes the existence of evil?