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Church—looking forward

From the June 2021 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When my husband was offered a job in another city, I could see the definite advantages for our whole family, but I was reluctant to leave the church where I had been a member for almost 15 years and felt useful and needed. Going to a new city and a new church felt in a way like having to start over.

I prayed about this, supporting the rightness of the move and studying references from the Bible and Mary Baker Eddy’s writings to gain a greater sense of peace about it. Then the sweet answer came, “You will take your concept of Church with you.” The more I thought about this, the more valuable and comforting it became.

I knew that Church was first and foremost a divine idea, and so I couldn’t lose any good by moving forward. What I’d learned and demonstrated about Church during those years would accompany me wherever I went and to whatever branch church I joined. And that is exactly what happened. Instead of starting over, I found divine Love’s joy, spiritual inspiration, and an even greater sense of fulfillment waiting for me. 

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