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“I will come and heal you”

From the June 2021 issue of The Christian Science Journal

“I will come and heal him.” These words, spoken by Christ Jesus to a Roman commander who had sought him to heal his ailing servant, were more than a simple response to a desperate appeal. They memorialized for all time the immediacy and surety of the divine law of harmony—the healing Christ. The Christ—the true idea of God and of each of us—has come, and always will come, to the aid of man in his times of need, no matter how desperate or hopeless the situation.

After the centurion’s humble confession of faith, Jesus told him, “Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee.” In the same hour, the servant was completely well again (see Matthew 8:5–13). How could the centurion not have believed, since he had been assured of his servant’s recovery by the greatest healer of all time?

I’d sometimes thought, when struggling through a challenge, how ideal it would be if I could speak with the Master myself and hear those same words of assurance. I could only imagine what it would do for my faith. Then, upon reading that story once more, I came to a full stop as an angel message illuminated the account for me. Those words were not a one-time response from Jesus. They are the words Christ is always speaking to each one of us in the present tense, assuring us that healing is not only possible, but inevitable.

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