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A joy to witness God’s law

From the June 2021 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Many consider the healing works of Christ Jesus and his disciples to be miracles from a long-gone era that are not relevant today. Christian Science offers a different understanding. Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, defines miracle in the Christian Science textbook as “that which is divinely natural, but must be learned humanly; a phenomenon of Science” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 591).

This indicates that spiritual healing can be learned and practiced today, because it is based on a divine Principle that is demonstrable. Elsewhere in Science and Health we read, “There is a law of God applicable to healing, and it is a spiritual law instead of material” (p. 463) and “To suppose that God constitutes laws of inharmony is a mistake; discords have no support from nature or divine law, however much is said to the contrary” (p. 183). 

This book explains that the divine laws governing man (each one of us) are laws of entire goodness, health, harmony, etc., for God is Love, as St. John tells us (see I John 4:8). Eddy discovered that these ever-operative laws can be demonstrated when understood, and this is what was happening when Jesus healed. 

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