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Opportunities for healing

From the June 2021 issue of The Christian Science Journal

“No problem” is an expression often heard nowadays, usually delivered with a reassuring smile. And who doesn’t appreciate the positive, can-do attitude it conveys? But considered from a spiritual standpoint, this familiar phrase has a significance that goes far beyond human helpfulness. 

How did Christ Jesus regard problems? He certainly faced an unceasing barrage of them, and he was compassionate toward those who came to him with difficulties of all sorts. Yet he wasn’t overwhelmed. Instead, he used problems as opportunities that show how we can rely on God to meet every need. His immediate and spectacular demonstrations of God’s love and care for humanity proved, in fact, that what appeared to be a problem was not a negative. 

Needing to feed a multitude with next to no food? About to drown in a storm-tossed boat? These seeming conundrums, and many more, were resolved as Jesus demonstrated that nothing is too hard for God. And his healings of the sick, lame, and insane prove that even the most frightening difficulties are not the intractable hardships they seem. Jesus’ actions proclaimed “No problem” with more power and eloquence than any words.

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