Throughout much of my adult life, I seemed to be faced with the stress of financial lack. As a single mother much of the time, I struggled with what turned out to be futile attempts at being self-supporting. Despite often working more than one job, I wasn’t able to recover from gaps in income due to multiple job instabilities, layoffs, or businesses failing. And despite my skills, talents, and education, I wasn’t able to settle into a rooted career.
At one point, I began studying Christian Science and worked on and off for a number of years with several Christian Science practitioners. I seemed to be slowly learning at some level that supply was actually spiritual—coming from God—and that it does, and would, take practical forms through ideas from divine Love. I saw this in practical gifts from dear friends, but continued to face financial instability and overwhelming bills.
Then a practitioner I was calling for the first time amazed me by saying, “If you had a million dollars in the bank, what would you do?” I answered, “I don’t know.” He immediately responded, “Well, you would go claim it!” I presumed he was referring to God’s abundant and ever-present spiritual supply, and our inherent right to individually claim it as God’s children, which I still felt I was failing to do practically.