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Banding together in prayer

From the December 2023 issue of The Christian Science Journal

About a year ago, 19 Christian Scientists who had never met before traveled abroad together. We had a communication app we used during the trip to help our group leader keep in touch if there was a change in the day’s schedule. Little did we know that six weeks later we would become a band of pray-ers. 

After we returned from our trip, everyone kept in touch using the app. We called ourselves the “Indubitables,” because we fearlessly faced challenges with undoubting trust in God—both during the trip and after. The day after Christmas, a group member who lives in the Northeastern United States reached out via the app to ask for prayer. It was late Monday afternoon, and electrical power had been out since Friday, affecting nearly 15,000 households. Another storm was expected, and the city already had three to four feet of snow. 

We called ourselves the “Indubitables,” because we fearlessly faced challenges with undoubting trust in God. 

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