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The rewarding work of a Reading Room librarian

From the December 2023 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I’ve worked full time as a librarian of a Christian Science Reading Room for many years. It’s a unique position, one I’ve found to be just as important and rewarding as other positions within the church organization. 

There’s something special about being a “librarian.” For example, if I were to go to my local public library to find out more about astrophysics, it is unlikely that the librarian would tell me about the subject. He or she would more likely direct me to the section of the library that includes books about astrophysics. Similarly, the librarian at a Christian Science Reading Room is familiar with the various resources available from The Christian Science Publishing Society and facilitates access to them. 

Additionally, the librarian is a Christian Scientist who can answer questions the public may have on the subject. Many entering Reading Rooms are unfamiliar with what’s in them, and may be unsure of what led them to come in. Some visitors may be searching for healing. In every case, it seems to me that all who come have been guided by God. The role of the librarian is to point the way to Christ, Truth, the path that leads to healing. 

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