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God’s positioning system

From the December 2023 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Often in daily life, we feel a need for guidance in solving our problems. Sometimes technology can provide the needed help—such as when I use the GPS (Global Positioning System) navigation in my car. I input the address of my desired destination, and then it maps out the way for me to go. Most of the time it gives accurate directions, but occasionally it misdirects me. So, I don’t fully trust it. 

This reminds me of how we sometimes lean on friends to give us advice and direction when we’re making important decisions. Often it’s helpful. Career moves, educational choices, where to live, how to invest our money wisely—we care about these issues and trust our friends to give us good advice. Yet, even those closest to us may have varying opinions, so how can we really know what decision is best?

This is where I find turning to God, the all-knowing, all-intelligent divine Mind, so valuable. His Word in the Bible reveals man as God-created, the image and likeness of Him. Each of us, therefore, is perfect—complete and spiritual.

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