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Testimonies of Healing

Injured finger healed

From the November 2024 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A couple of years ago, while some men were working in my home, I was cleaning a piece of equipment they were to move. Unwisely, I did this while its motor was running, and one of my fingers got caught in the mechanism and pinned between a fast-moving belt and some gears. I couldn’t pull it out as the mechanism continued moving. I cried out to the workmen, who were watching, to turn it off. But, before they could do so, I was able to do it myself and free my finger. 

The men were very concerned. I quickly grabbed a clean cloth, wrapped it around my hand, and assured them that I was OK—which I was able to do with conviction because I knew it was the spiritual fact. They quickly finished their work, and I kindly ushered them out, again assuring them that all was well.

Upon removing the cloth, I saw that, although the bone was not broken, it appeared that the internal integrity of the flesh was badly compromised. This so startled me that I became fearful and needed help simply to pray. I called a Christian Science practitioner, who lovingly assured me that I’d never been out of divine Love’s tender care, and that this had never happened in God’s kingdom, which is right where we dwell. Spirit, God, being the only substance, it is indestructible, and there was nothing harmful that could touch God or me as God’s idea, His perfect reflection. 

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