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Testimonies of Healing

Healing after miscarriage

From the April 2025 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It was Thanksgiving Day, and my entire extended family was gathered together—a hearty and festive occasion. We had finished eating and were sitting around the dinner table sharing family news, when I announced that I was pregnant. I had not yet shared this news with anyone besides my husband. Of course, everyone was pleased that we would have a new addition to the family.

Early the next morning, I awoke to discover I had miscarried my baby. I was overcome with a sense of loss. Later in the morning when everyone was awake, I told my mom what had happened. It was our family tradition the day after Thanksgiving to take all of the children to a nearby amusement park. I told Mom I needed to stay home alone. She lovingly agreed to take my two little girls with my husband and the rest of the gang. My mother and my uncle were both Christian Scientists, and I knew they were supporting me. 

I had grown up attending a Christian Science Sunday School and had especially loved the story of young Samuel hearing God call to him. As a child and young adult, I had often felt God guiding and protecting me. So even with this overwhelming loss, it felt natural to calm my thought and listen for God’s guidance, knowing I would hear divine Love. 

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