Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
“A soft answer turneth away wrath,” says the Bible ( Proverbs 15:1 ). In other words, meekness is more sensible than a contest of wills.
This article is part of a series appearing periodically in the Journal , the Christian Science Sentinel , and The Herald of Christian Science . Each article aims to correct some misconception about Christian Science that would keep us from having the results we so desire as spiritual healers.
Having wealth means security to many people. But as the Bible points out, “Riches certainly make themselves wings; they fly away” ( Proverbs 23:5 ).
Over the years I have had so many examples of God lovingly caring for me. I’ve found that God meets my every need, even when circumstances seem beyond help.
For many people, including me, the Bible is a spiritual guide from which to draw strength, a source of inspiration, a message whose power can pull them out of the quagmire. It comforts us in these words: “Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
It was sunrise, three days after Jesus’ body was buried. The Gospel of Mark records that Mary Magdalene and two other women went to the tomb.
No, this article isn’t about coupons. It’s about lives and relationships being freed from blame.
People everywhere are looking for health and peace of mind, and many are finding it in the only place it can be found and stay secure—in the ever-present, infinite Love that is God. A few years ago, I had a remarkable experience that was tangible proof to me that God heals.
Just before his crucifixion, Jesus was understandably concerned about the future of Christianity and the discouraging direction it looked like it was taking. Nearly all of his followers were about to disconnect from him, including all of his disciples but John.
Years ago, I was driving my car, when I had a stroke and crashed into a utility truck. Thankfully, no one was hurt, but the utility workers called an ambulance and my husband.