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Struggling to attend church?

From the October 2024 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Originally published in French

Do you find that things which once were simple, like regularly attending church services, now seem complicated or difficult? Do you now have to face pressure from family members to sleep in on Sundays, or go away for the weekend? For a midweek testimony meeting, there might be concerns about traffic or public transit congestion, security issues, fatigue, an employer’s expectations that you work into the evening, or trouble driving at night. All this may make going to church feel like going to the moon. But the truth is, going to church is what always blesses us and our communities.

In The Church of Christ, Scientist, which Mary Baker Eddy founded, people gather not only on Sundays for a church service but also on Wednesdays for a testimony meeting for the purpose of sharing in public the effect of practicing Christian Science. Mrs. Eddy founded the church out of necessity to forward and safeguard her discovery of Christian Science and the practice of spiritual healing, which she outlined in detail in the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.

Like an oasis in the desert, these weekly services and meetings refresh our perspective and provide a place to drink the waters of spiritual inspiration.

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