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Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.

“God is our refuge”

I grew up attending a Christian Science Sunday School and became a branch church member as an adult, turning to the teachings of Christian Science to guide me during tough times. This quote from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, which is on the wall of many Christian Science churches, was a source of inspiration for me: “Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need” ( p.

The mental awakening I needed

It was the beginning of a weekend retreat that I was co-leading for high school-age youth. On the first night, I went to bed late, woke up a few times throughout the night, and then had to get up early.

The First Commandment— the basis for healing

In an article titled “One Cause and Effect,” Mary Baker Eddy writes, “Christian Science begins with the First Commandment of the Hebrew Decalogue, ‘Thou shalt have no other gods before me’ ” ( Miscellaneous Writings 1883–1896, p. 21 ).

Pioneering is essential to Christian practice. Embracing the pioneering spirit in our efforts to understand and experience God, uplifts everything we do, and is at the heart of genuine progress.

The rebellion that brings healing

When I decided to apply for listing in the Herald as a Christian Science practitioner, it seemed that a storm was unleashed in my life.   A recession had brought the collapse of my country’s economy, as well as our family’s finances.

Is the tank half full or half empty?

One Sunday I was on my way to church. As it was still early, I decided to stop at a gas station to fill up.

Practicing Christian Science in a medicalized culture

Looking to be a better healer? Then you’ll want to keep an eye out for articles like this one appearing periodically in the Journal, the Christian Science Sentinel , and The Herald of Christian Science.  Their aim: to correct some of the misconceptions about Christian Science that would keep us from having the results we so desire.

How I have prayed about prolonged cases

Primitive Christianity, as Christ Jesus taught it, included a prayerful approach to problem-solving. Jesus’ healing prayers were based on an understanding of the power of God to help people in their times of need.

Angels awaken us to divine provision

The office where I worked when I was a relatively new student of Christian Science was near a Christian Science Reading Room. I spent most of my lunch hours in its healing atmosphere, reading the weekly Bible Lessons and the Christian Science periodicals.

How I prayed when I was scammed

In 2020 I was a victim of fraud and lost my savings. When I realized I had been scammed, I reported the theft to the financial institution that had held my money and to the police.