People everywhere are looking for health and peace of mind, and many are finding it in the only place it can be found and stay secure—in the ever-present, infinite Love that is God.
A few years ago, I had a remarkable experience that was tangible proof to me that God heals. In March 2020, the week before the governor of my state instructed everyone to “shelter at home” as a result of the pandemic, I became quite ill with what I thought was a head cold but later learned were the symptoms of Covid. I thought I could handle the case myself through my own prayers, but after four days of worsening symptoms, I knew it was time to call a Christian Science practitioner for treatment.
During the call, I listened carefully, receptively, as she reminded me of my spiritual origin and identity, and of the fact that no element of discord or disease—being unlike good, or God, who is All—could infect or contaminate me. As the reflection of God, I was safe in divine Love’s care. We were on the phone for only a few minutes.