Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
Jesus’ baptism concluded with “a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” ( Matthew 3:17 ). Immediately following this, and just before the start of his healing mission, Jesus went into the wilderness for an extended period of time.
All too often , we confront problems that involve conflicts—within the family, in the workplace, or even within ourselves. While humanity has devised a number of mechanisms for settling disputes—such as courts and tribunals, arbitration procedures, and other mechanisms for bringing people together harmoniously—I’ve found that true peace is obtained only when a radical change takes place in the consciousness of the parties involved.
Looking to be a better healer? Then you’ll want to keep an eye out for articles like this one, appearing periodically in the Journal, the Christian Science Sentinel, and The Herald of Christian Science. Their aim: to correct some of the misconceptions about Christian Science that would keep us from having the results we so desire.
Some of the innate abilities that have come to light through my Christian Science practice are getting still to listen for God’s loving guidance and then being obedient to it. That’s when I do my best.
I am learning that some healings require complete surrender to God, on our knees like Daniel in the Bible, humbly giving in to whatever God’s good design is. When we nestle into the arms of divine Love, God, not outlining, not having a plan, not worrying about the future, but letting go and relying on God completely, the answer comes.
As a teenager , I attended a church that taught that everyone is a miserable sinner. I often cried myself to sleep at night, thinking I was a horrible person steeped in sin.
Christ Jesus was surely the Master, who showed his followers how to practice scientific Christianity. His Sermon on the Mount blueprints with clarity the good practice of graciously living the Christ message in daily life—a message requiring meekness, purity, and peace.
One of Mary Baker Eddy’s beloved hymns declares: It matters not what be thy lot, So Love doth guide; For storm or shine, pure peace is thine, Whate’er betide. ( Christian Science Hymnal, No.
On a recent flight I fell asleep and had a dream. I dreamed that I was working in my home office in Los Angeles, when I felt a rumbling.
Years before becoming a dedicated student of Christian Science, I attended a Christian Science Sunday School. My step-father introduced my mother to Christian Science, and I was a grateful beneficiary of that blessing.