Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.
When I discovered my wallet had been stolen in a supermarket, I felt so disturbed that I was unable to think clearly. In it were my bank and credit cards, and £40 in notes.
Like many readers of the Journal, I recently learned that several books about Mary Baker Eddy are being reissued as digital titles on JSH-Online. com.
Who doesn’t have a strong desire for home and community? The longing for them can be heightened when we’re unable to be out and about with other people, or we find ourselves alone at the holidays. As a frequent traveler I’ve spent a good many weeks away from home, which is why the hymn in the Christian Science Hymnal that begins, “Pilgrim on earth, home and heaven are within thee” (Peter Maurice, adapt.
We are faced with moral choices every day. These decisions amount to choosing between right and wrong.
Sometimes we hear people say, “When I get to heaven . .
This author dives into how she was inspired by the “Alertness to Duty” section of The Manual of the Mother Church by Mary Baker Eddy.
The following is an edited transcript of a panel discussion on “Why Church?” that took place during the “Being a force for good” summit of 20- and 30-somethings held at The Mother Church in October 2019. On the one-year anniversary of the summit, we hope you will join us in reflecting on the ever-expanding idea of Church, especially as we all continue to discover new ways to experience church in person, online, and by phone.
Most everyone has had to handle discouragement at some point. Even Moses, wise and faithful to God as he was, got discouraged when the children of Israel were tired of the wilderness.
Dear Reader, I’ve recently learned to livestream. What took me so long to adopt this technology? Working at home created a demand for it.
“We are undisturbed. ” These were the words of assurance I spoke to my neighbors.