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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Growth in Science

Because God is Father-Mother, as Christian Science reveals, everything He creates is characterized by both masculine and feminine qualities. These qualities are altogether mental and refer in Science to spirituality reflected from God rather than to material gender.

Waiting Patiently

In the process of learning the facts of divine Science and applying them to our experience, we go through basic changes in our thinking and living. Even though these changes are not always easy, we should not chafe at this necessity.

Christ, the Schoolmaster

Sometimes when we were children attending school, we had mixed feelings about our schoolmaster. This is because a teacher seemed to us a somewhat contradictory character who at one time was gentle and kind, at another stern and dictatorial.

Inevitable Expansion

The most profound truths in the Scriptures are often taught by symbols. Christ Jesus employed the symbol of leaven to explain the inevitable expansion in human thought of God's spiritual idea, the Word of Truth.

"A God at hand"

We read in the book of Jeremiah: "Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar off? Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord.

Conquering Fear

In terse language Mrs. Eddy states, "A man's fear, unconquered, conquers him, in whatever direction.

Healing Is Transformation

What is our purpose in healing? Are we committed to spiritualizing thought and learning more about God?

"Be a law to yourselves"

As the Leader of the Christian Science movement, Mrs. Eddy has given this command to her followers: "Christian Scientists, be a law to yourselves that mental malpractice cannot harm you either when asleep or when awake.

Belief and Dedication

If one learns that the sun is the center around which revolve the planets of the solar system, including our earth, he can say to himself, "Isn't that interesting" and go about his business as though he had never heard it. But if one learns that his very substance is Spirit, not matter, he either devotes his life to living the nature of Spirit or he denies what he has learned.

The Science of the Ages

Christian Science is a boon to the sufferer, the repentant sinner, the grief-stricken, the impoverished. It holds the solution of every little problem and of every great one.