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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.


When a man pours gasoline on himself and lights a match to it for the purpose of promoting a cause, we may be shocked. If we disagree with the cause, we may be disgusted.

What Jesus Did Was Scientific

From beginning to end Jesus' earthly experience was scientific in every respect. That is, it was the fulfillment of law.

Liberty—Civil and Religious

Christian nations develop in a degree a vital coincidence of religion and government. And governments which give their citizens liberty to serve God conscientiously spread law and order in the worldwide community.

To Correct a False Rumor

It has come to the attention of this Board that a rumor is being circulated that no further contributions are needed for the recently established "Church Center Building Fund" and that ample money is already on hand to complete the project. May we assure you that this rumor is completely false.

Spiritual Forces

In order to demonstrate harmony in individual experience, in family experience, and in society as a whole, we must be aware of the spiritual forces that sustain harmony. Mrs.

Healing Grace

The supreme example of grace is Christ Jesus on the cross. Here, vividly seen, was the action of the divine Principle of all meeting the great need of mankind.


According to Luke's Gospel, when Christ Jesus celebrated the feast of the Passover with his disciples, he "took the cup, and gave thanks, and said, Take this, and divide it among yourselves. " And after breaking bread with them, he said, "This do in remembrance of me.

The Evidence Within

One who is working for a healing wants evidence that healing is taking place. Christian Science is the law of God which reveals our right to such evidence.

Proper Perspective Is Important

It is necessary for the student of Christian Science to maintain a proper perspective in his study in order that he may progress steadily and consistently. One definition of the term "perspective" is "the interrelation in which parts of a subject are mentally viewed.

"Radical reliance on Truth"

In some countries government assistance is free to the elderly who need hospital care because of illness or because of the inroads of the belief of old age. This assistance is a humane measure.