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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Man Is an Original

You are not a creator, but you do express originality. Discover the uniqueness of being a child of God.

No Separation from God

Death may claim to separate people mercilessly from each other, but never does it separate anyone from God. We who are left on this side of the curtain of mortal belief when someone dearly loved has passed on to a new experience can take comfort in this knowledge.

Counteracting Pressure

The pressures that often plague human experience come from a sense of limitation. The pressures may be those of limited time or capacity, of supply or personal relations.

"Study it, ponder it"

To be successful in applying the truths of Christian Science in our daily lives we must study thoroughly the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy.

The Transfiguration

Three of the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, tell us of the experience of Christ Jesus known as the transfiguration. Each record is preceded by the Master's statement that some of the people standing near him would not experience death until they should see God's kingdom come.

Abreast of the times

After many months of research and development the new formats of The Christian Science Journal and Christian Science Sentinel are being brought to you in obedience to the directive of our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, that the periodicals be kept abreast of the times (see Manual of The Mother Church, Art. VIII, Sect.


When we actually know the truth the effect is healing. But when we admit something that is not completely true, our good intentions may fall short of the mark.


Christian Science teaches us that the material body is not the real man. This fact becomes apparent when we realize that God is not a physical being, not a limited corporeality, but that He is infinite Spirit, or Mind.


When Mary Baker Eddy stated many years ago, "We tread on forces. Withdraw them, and creation must collapse" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p.


ONE of the basic methods of destroying error in Christian Science is to impersonalize it and then to cast it out. We separate it from man, see it as a supposition without cause or effect, and thus render it null and void.