The centennial year of the discovery of Christian Science brings the world sharply to the question, Can religion be science? The long debated conflict between religion and science is resolved once it is seen that Christianity is itself veritable Science. Jesus practiced as spiritual Science the religion he founded, and he did this unerringly because he based his knowledge of reality upon invariable Principle, which is Love. We cannot discount the fact that Jesus accomplished much that the natural scientists of today are striving to do. One might readily ask, Then why not do these works the way he did them—through spiritual means alone?
At a wedding Jesus turned water into wine, the kind of transmutation which many a natural scientist works to accomplish. Jesus canceled gravitation when he walked on the water. He stilled storms. He multiplied food for multitudes. He healed the blind, the epileptic, the insane, the dumb, the deaf, the lame. He overcame time and space when he moved himself and the boat he was in instantly from one place to another. And he raised the dead—obliterated basic mortality.
No doubt this master Scientist understood the nature of matter, for he manifested perfect control of it. And no doubt he understood law in its supreme meaning, for he demonstrated it. Such vital forces as adhesion, cohesion, and attraction, which play an important part in mass formations, he understood in their Science as invariable, spiritual laws and as incapable of deterioration. This knowledge of divine forces made possible his healing of a withered hand, the stanching of a hemorrhage, the activation of a paralytic, and the restoration of a severed ear.