To be satisfied, dissatisfied, or unsatisfied depends upon the thoughts that we entertain, whether they are material or spiritual, human or divine.
We may be unsatisfied because our material personal yearnings remain unsatisfied. This negative quality of thought, the opposite of the divine, is indicative of unawareness of God's all-embracing ever-presence. As we look to Spirit, not matter, as the source of our supply, we learn that God, who includes all good, provides for every human need. Matter is no substitute for Spirit. Materiality's many deceptive facets can never truly satisfy or supply real happiness, peace, or contentment.
We may be dissatisfied with that which we materially possess, because of its transient, fluctuating nature. Its possession can neither gratify nor satisfy. To be dissatisfied is tacit admission that we have not grasped divine Love's spiritual bountifulness which man reflects as God's image. Man in God's likeness cannot lack any good thing.