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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

Thinking, Knowing, Reflecting

In the study of Christian Science we are faced with the necessity of lifting our thoughts of existence to an entirely new concept of life, to the spiritual reality of being, the new heaven and new earth portrayed in the Scriptures. And in order to comprehend the things of Spirit, we must begin to use the new tongue, or language of Spirit.

Growth, the "mandate of Mind"

Everything in God's universe has a purpose. A purposeless idea of the one all-wise Mind would be an impossibility.

Mental Influence

If all human beings practiced the Golden Rule uttered by Jesus, "As ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise," Luke 6:31 mental influence would always be beneficial. No one wants to be mentally influenced without his knowledge and permission.

In Defense of Freedom

The man of God's creation is spiritual. He is free of material limitations, free of disease, free of fear, free of sin and its deadly effects, free of death itself.

"Take possession of your body"

In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Mrs. Eddy says, "Take possession of your body, and govern its feeling and action.

Then and Now

In the Preface of "Pulpit and Press" Mary Baker Eddy looked ahead to the time when the Science she discovered in 1866— Christian Science—would have been known in the world for a century. The children of the late nineteenth century would then be twentieth century elders.

Man Is Never Helpless

One of the common fears of men is that one can be brought into a circumstance where he cannot help himself. Such an error has no spiritual foundation and should be thoroughly rejected as a spurious argument of the carnal mind.

"Have ye any meat?"

June is the month for the Annual Meeting of The Mother Church. Mrs.

Can Religion Be Science?

The centennial year of the discovery of Christian Science brings the world sharply to the question, Can religion be science? The long debated conflict between religion and science is resolved once it is seen that Christianity is itself veritable Science. Jesus practiced as spiritual Science the religion he founded, and he did this unerringly because he based his knowledge of reality upon invariable Principle, which is Love.

Know the Source of Light

A student in a beginning art class was puzzled because the picture he was drawing looked flat. It had no depth.