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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.


When the Master said to his disciples ( John 16:12, 13 ), "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth," evidently he knew that the thought of the world was not yet ready to receive the final revelation of Christ, Truth.


Never were mortals so occupied as they are today investigating matter and its phenomena. A host of investigators, for instance, is engaged in the study of physics and chemistry, and, as everybody knows, numerous discoveries have been made in these and kindred subjects during the last fifty or a hundred years.


WHEN John the Baptist came "preaching in the wilderness of Judaca," he said, "Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. " At that time John was proclaiming the presence of the long-expected Messiah, and he evidently perceived that Jesus would, through his demonstration of Christ, Truth, establish the heavenly kingdom among men.


UNQUESTIONABLY , there is value in sound academic education and in keeping abreast of the times, noting the mental and outward changes and understanding what is producing them. From decade to decade, education develops, and what one generation learns along materialistic lines, the next one may be called upon to unlearn.


THREE words in common use in Christian Science are belief, faith, and understanding. Since they represent states of consciousness, it is well that students should be clear as to their meaning.


The highest purpose of any government should be to bring out righteousness, reciprocal harmony, and prosperity between individuals and nations. In order to achieve this, governments and peoples need to express highest morality, unerring wisdom, impartial justice.


In common usage money, securities, household goods, and so forth are classified as "personal property," while houses and lands are referred to as "real estate. " Neither the one nor the other, however, is real, in that it is not eternal or indestructible.


What is the battle plan sanctioned by Christian Science? Mrs. Eddy has stated it in the last stanza of her poem, "The United States to Great Britain"( Poems, pp.


" What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?" It is possible that many may have interpreted David's question as relating to mortal man. They may have believed that the Lord God, to whom his question was addressed, was directly or indirectly responsible for mortal man's existence.


Demands upon one's time and attention are varied and pressing, legitimate and illegitimate. Which demands should be yielded to and which resisted is a question constantly facing us as Christian Scientists.