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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.


To the one who addressed him as "Good Master," Jesus said, "Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God. " This he said to preserve intact his homage to God, and to awaken the one who was attempting to personalize good.


Many human plans have been devised for sharing wealth, but none has proved permanently practical. One reason for this is that plans for sharing wealth by means of division and distribution, or redistribution, are based upon the belief that wealth is material, whereas the fact is that wealth, in the best meaning of the term, is spiritual.


The assurance possessed by the Christian Scientist that life is eternal, is based on the truth about God which Christian Science has revealed to him. What is this truth? It is that God is infinite and perfect Life.


Why should Christian Scientists belong to The Mother Church and to a branch church? To answer that question it is necessary to understand what Mary Baker Eddy had in mind in founding her Church. The providing of two churches for Christian Scientists to belong to and work in was unique, and this arrangement has no parallel in other church organizations.


Perhaps there is no quality more needed in Christian warfare than that of steadfastness. "Patient continuance in well doing" is required of those who would "fight the good fight of faith" and "lay hold on eternal life.


Many desire guidance but are at a loss to know how to find it. This is the case when guidance is being looked for only in outward ways.


What hope for the human race is contained in these words which Isaiah uttered in the name of the Lord: "Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else" ( Isaiah 45:22 )! They are no less than a promise of universal salvation, to be brought about by looking to God. So simple on the face of it is the promise! But how to realize it? That is the question which throughout the centuries has presented itself to mankind.

The Divine help is ever nigh

From a letter dated 1901. The Divine help is ever nigh.


Hourly , Christian Science is blotting out false impressions and establishing true ones in the consciousness of its active students. The appearing of the true man in God's image hastens the disappearing of the material misconception of man, and this appearing is accompanied by healing and regeneration.


It may be said that the Manual of The Mother Church, by Mary Baker Eddy, is the basic law of that Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, of which all other Christian Science churches in the world are branches. It stands unchanged and inviolate as Mrs.