Many desire guidance but are at a loss to know how to find it. This is the case when guidance is being looked for only in outward ways. The vital proviso is that one shall be guided by divine Principle in one's thoughts and desires, consistently abandoning whatever is unworthy, unprogressive. A requisite of guidance is the surrender of self-will based on human reasoning. Our desire to be divinely guided must be genuine, not feigned. Yet, though one sincerely desires to surrender self-will, the way to set about it may seem obscure.
Christian Science shows us that the triple way of surrender, obedience, and guidance lies in turning away from a personal sense of God and of oneself as a person, to the divine Mind and its unerring government of every idea. Lack of obedience or guidance, like lack of health, is but a suggestion of the so-called carnal mind; it is never a divine fact. Therefore the suggestion of lack of guidance or of response to guidance calls for denial of the error and affirmation of the truth.
In "Unity of Good" (p. 23) Mrs. Eddy points out that "the divine children are born of law and order, and Truth knows only such." The ideas of divine Mind are untouched by indecision, temptation to stray, helpless or homeless feelings, self-will or selfishness. Spiritual man always expresses law and order because he consciously rejoices in the government of divine Mind. The assumption of human will power and disobedience is destroyed on the basis of their nonexistence, nonpresence, nonaction in spiritual consciousness. The divine Mind and divine will are supreme. There is nothing in the consciousness of spiritual man to lead him to believe himself separated from his divine source, or disobedient to the divine will. Man always knows himself as the spiritually controlled expression of divine Principle.