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From the October 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As a result of a world-wide financial crisis and the political unrest which the present age has witnessed, humanity with its perplexing problems of fear, lack, poverty, unemployment, and distress is constantly turning to new experiments. Many plans are being formed with the hope of aiding the needy and of regulating wealth, production, agriculture, employment, and commerce. Although these plans evidence the most sincere desire to be helpful and to relieve suffering, they can bring at best only temporary relief, because the only truly satisfactory answer to humanity's cry for help must come through spiritual understanding and guidance.

The Christian Scientist who is daily confronted with these attempts to solve the economic problem is grateful for the light which Christian Science gives him on the subject of supply. Through this revelation he finds that man, as the Bible declares, is the image and likeness of God; that there is but one creator and one creation. He learns that this creation is spiritual and is governed by God's law, and that this eternal spiritual law is omnipresent and omniactive. God's law of supply needs no adjustment or alteration, for it is perfect and adequate. Through Christian Science he recognizes his true relationship to God, the Father-Mother, infinite Love, and is aware of His presence. He learns that God is immutable, perfect, unchanging, inexhaustible Mind, always imparting these qualities to His idea, man; that God's resources are infinite, eternal, indestructible, and that His storehouse of spiritual treasures cannot be exhausted. The Christian Scientist learns that all that God expresses is man's by right of spiritual reflection, and that God's love and intelligence are given to all His ideas.

A careful study of the life and teachings of Christ Jesus shows how he met and mastered the arguments of lack through the understanding of the law of God, and how he constantly turned his followers away from merely material plans. In his time the question of the distribution of material supply presented itself, and his counsel was sought to remedy the situation.

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