Oh, grieve not—fear not! God who guided thee
Doth call the wayward, wheresoe'er they roam.
The truth that brake thy bonds will set them free,
The love that tended thee will lead them home.
Then grieve not for mankind. Man is secure—
Each name is writ on Truth's immortal page,
For God spake once. His counsels shall endure.
No chance can wreck man's glorious heritage.
Darkness may veil the earth, the hearts of men
May quake for fear—but good is real. Rejoice!
There shall be light, and peace, and joy again,
As mortals turn to hear the Father's voice.
Of fretful dreams of sense be not afraid;
The night is over, and the dawn is near.
Behold the universe that God hath made,
And know His great unchanging love is here.