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From the October 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The business of man is expressing God. The high occupation of the real man is continuous and eternal expression of divine Mind's qualities. This business of being the image and likeness of God is always perfect, for spiritual man reflects divine Mind, in wisdom, infinite breadth of spiritual vision, and never-failing dominion.

The business of men, as humanly defined, is that occupation in which they are habitually engaged for gain or livelihood, and its success is considered problematical. When one begins to learn through Christian Science of the real man, he tries to express that true nature in his human affairs. He demonstrates by degrees the divine qualities of dominion and activity, intelligence and integrity, ability and reliability. Through this process of business, governed by an understanding of the real man, men see accomplishment and supply.

Human business is supposed to be controlled by laws of supply and demand, affected by so-called cycles of prosperity and depression, and by national and international conditions of government and peace and war. In recent years many of the long-accepted axioms and their apparently inevitable results have been shaken or reversed, thus emphasizing the great need of the world, plainly shown by Christian Science, the revelation of Truth, to learn what man really is and what his business really is.

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