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From the October 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is comforting to learn in Christian Science that evil is not a real entity, and that it has no more apparent power than we, in belief, give it. Evil is nothing claiming to have entity and presence.

When the temptation comes to us to do or say something wrong, we do not have to give our consent to the suggestion, because it is false. When the devil tempted Jesus to cast himself down from the pinnacle of the temple, it was proved positively that evil has no power of itself. Otherwise, it would have forced him to do its bidding. Jesus used his God-given authority to reject this temptation, as also when, in connection with another temptation with which "Satan" confronted him, he said in no undecided terms, "Get thee hence, Satan."

We conquer error by opposing and denying it, not by giving in to it. It can have no effect on us unless we give our consent to it. It is helpful to know that error cannot of itself cause us any difficulty; it is only as we lend our thought to its suggestions that it can disturb us. Then, how foolish it is to consent to co-operate with an enemy, with something which would presume to deceive, and so deprive us of health, happiness, peace, supply, even life itself.

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