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From the October 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The fact that only effort based upon the truth about God and man is productive of good fruit is coming to be realized by many throughout the world. People in many walks of life are more and more turning to the infinite divine Mind for guidance. Those who are hungering for a greater degree of progress, but have not yet learned how to avail themselves of God's direction, will benefit by a thoughtful consideration of God and His creation as revealed in Christian Science. Obviously, the more one knows about God, the more His blessings can be accepted and made use of, for the benefit of oneself and all mankind.

It is natural that those interested in the Christian religion should want to know more about God's creation. It is a normal inclination of mankind to seek a solution of the problem of being, and to satisfy a yearning for a comforting answer to the question about the beginning of what the world calls time or matter, a question concerning which there has been much speculation.

If the seeker will relinquish those teachings about God which have not actually proved their soundness in his practical, everyday experiences, and accept the statement in Christian Science that God is all-power, all-presence, all-intelligence, such acceptance will open the way for him to gain a correct understanding of creation. Possessing the three attributes just mentioned, God is All-in-all. Nothing can exist outside of His allness, in opposition to Him. To contemplate these three attributes of God brings a correct sense of His infinite nature, and leads to the inevitable conclusion that He has always existed.

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