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From the October 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The world is filled with plans for gaining abundance. The earnest thought given to the care of the needy and to the supply of those who have not, is a hopeful sign of today. It is a commonplace that every householder should be able to feed, clothe, and suitably educate his family. It is felt that every young man and woman, when ready, should find full employment, and that the sick and aged should be free from want. Plans are many to end depression and to abolish poverty. The demand is that for every actual need there should be an adequate supply.

The Bible and Mrs. Eddy's writings concern themselves in a broad sense with these problems of demand and supply. Bible history, the Psalms, and prophecy approve plenty. Christ Jesus stood for abundance. He said, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." It is to the Bible and to Christian Science that the wise man will turn, seeking wisdom to solve the question of supply and to put an end to poverty. This promise of Scripture is for all: "He that overcometh shall inherit all things."

Science knows only abundance of good. Every man, if he but knew it, has his horn of plenty. Infinite Love, our God, by His very nature, has an abundant supply for each and all of His children. Man, His offspring, knows no impoverishment. He can ever say, "My cup runneth over." Every idea reflects the wholeness of its Maker. The supply never runs short, for it is infinite substance. To the spiritual idea there is no lack, no depression. In the kingdom of heaven limitation is unknown, poverty unheard of, for God, good, is supreme over all. Man, God's man, has no burdensome surplus and no distressful lack.

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