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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.


Probably most Christian Science practitioners would agree that a majority of the problems brought to them by patients have to do with a finite, human sense of relationship. If the problem is not due to the mistake of someone's assuming a false sense of obligation and responsibility for the welfare, maintenance, and happiness of others, it is likely to be due to the dissatisfaction and discontent of others who resent such assumption of responsibility and regard it as domination or meddlesomeness.


Christian science today is revealing God to mankind in a truly marvelous way; and anyone may learn of this revelation and make it his own by study of the Bible and Mrs. Eddy's writings.


When Christ Jesus made the startling declaration, "Before Abraham was, I am," he not only referred to the eternality of universal Truth, but also to his own pre-existence as the individual son of God, an individual instance of divine reflection. It will be readily seen that these words apply to all the individual sons of God, just as they did to Jesus, the Christ.


Noting the admonition in Hebrews that we "lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us," many of us wonder how it is to be obeyed. What are these false weights, and where are they? As understood in Christian Science, they are materialistic beliefs of pleasure and pain lodged in mortal thought and dislodged through spiritual understanding.


Mankind is ever searching in matter for something that will bring it health when it is sick and strength when it is weak—for something that will restore it. From the dawn of time mankind has done this; for it believes that matter sustains and prolongs life, that matter is essential to its very existence.


IT is with gratitude that members of The Mother Church study the various reports read at the Annual Meeting, for each succeeding year carries with it signs of progress. There is nothing selfish in their gratitude, since what gives rise to it is their appreciation of the fact that something further has been done in bringing Christian Science, with its healing truth, to the world; something additional attained, in healing the mental and physical wounds of mankind; something more accomplished, in spiritualizing the thoughts of men.


EVEN a casual consideration of human nature and human history shows that there is a right and admirable ambition or aspiration which has inspired many men to strive wisely and well to achieve certain laudable purposes designed to bring some good to humanity. On the other hand, we see that all too many other men have been obsessed by mad ambition, generated by selfishness, greed, or other unworthy motives, and that this has misled them and their followers into ways of wickedness and has resulted in disappointment, grief, and loss.


THE everlasting truth about creation antidotes the human belief in chronology with its alternate promises and threats, prospects and retrospects, present subjection and future millennium. Mrs.


WHILE evil is widely and often openly apparent in the world, it is also sometimes very subtle in its attempts to injure mankind. Some criminal activities today are obviously the result of succumbing directly to evil beliefs.


Among the divine blessings poured out upon humanity through the revelation of Christian Science is the vitalizing of human purposes. Christian Science silences the dirge of Job, "My days are past, my purposes are broken off, even the thoughts of my heart.