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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.


" UNDERSTANDING is a well-spring of life unto him that hath it: but the instruction of fools is folly," we read in the sixteenth chapter of Proverbs. How often have men asked if it is possible to gain an understanding of Deity which is reliable because it is true! Faith in God they may admit as possible, since they may believe that faith can be bestowed on something concerning which one is not altogether certain; but understanding—that is different, they argue, for it implies sure or certain knowledge.


TO most people earthly existence appears to be a complex, inconsistent puzzle, a more or less meaningless prelude to the unknown. In such a case, human thoughts are wayward, footsteps uncertain, and the goal seems dim or nil.


EVEN at the time when Jesus knew that Judas Iscariot was conniving to betray him, the Master selflessly and inspiringly prepared his loyal disciples by both precept and promise for the severe trial of their faith which awaited them. He offered them words of counsel and comfort while instructing them in the verities of being; he told them of man's unity with God, the Father, and indicated how this divine inseparability might be realized and demonstrated.


HUMANITY is constantly being driven to find refuge from its woes, relief from its sufferings, pardon for its sins, outside of itself. How futile are its unspiritual efforts to find a solution of the many perplexing problems which beset mortal existence! Ages pass, but mankind unaided still finds itself helpless before the effects of its own material beliefs.


BIBLE students have long been impressed by the account of Moses being called of God to lead the children of Israel out of bondage, of Samuel's divine call while he was serving in the temple under Eli, and similar instances of worthy men who were chosen of God to serve Him and voice His messages. Judging by the Scriptures, we are led to conclude that the Israelites seldom were without someone who was sufficiently unselfish, consecrated, and spiritually expectant to listen for and hear the voice of God.


MEN have ever been faced with the problem as to whether life ends with what is called death, or endures eternally. Uncertainty on the question has lain heavily upon them—lies heavily upon many of them still.


THE instinct of self-preservation is deeply rooted in human thought, and this fact points to the eternality of good. But because, through having been educated in material theories, individuals seek by material means to preserve life, health, and strength in the physical body, their objective is mistaken and they fail in their attempt.


IN many quarters the subject of individualism is being discussed and debated. It is held by some that individual effort, planning, and accomplishment should be restricted, or regimented.


CHRISTIAN SCIENCE is making a great stand today for the truth of being. It is affirming this truth, this spiritual truth, sometimes in the face of persistent opposition, thereby often drawing upon itself the ridicule and censure of spiritually unenlightened human thought.


THE fact that Christian Science churches are not dedicated until they are free from debt has a deep and important significance for both the church organizations and individual Christian Scientists. Our church edifices are erected as expressions of gratitude for the many blessings which God has bestowed upon His children.